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What To Serve With Reuben Sandwiches - 9 Side Servings For All Taste Buds
The Rueben sandwich is fantastic and can be accompanied with so many side dishes. Read on to find out what to serve with Reuben sandwiches.

Sauerkraut is a good example, can be part of the Rueben or added as a side dish or both. It’s got a lovely sour taste as it’s made with fermented cabbage.
I think it is good to eat cold but can be heated too. Not difficult to make and may be kept for weeks in the fridge. A definite must to be tried with a Rueben sandwich.

A real favourite with the Rueben is pickles. Almost all vegetables can be pickled. A good one and most peoples favourite is dill pickle which is pickled cucumber, so easy to make and easy to buy.
Always satisfying to make with uncomplicated ingredients and best of all can be stored in the right conditions for several months.
Looks really good sliced on a large plate with a choice of other cute looking savouries.
Like sauerkraut, dill pickle is sour and complements the rich Rueben and it’s good and spicy too.
Another popular pickle is gherkins – pickled cucumber as is dill pickle but made without the dill herb, gorgeous things gherkins super with all sandwiches.

Red Cabbage Pickle

Red cabbage pickle is wonderful, and super easy to make, not many ingredients and will keep for weeks.
Bought red cabbage pickle in jars is easy to find in deli or supermarket but worth a try to make, so easy and satisfying and brings super colour to a dish of various add-ons for a Reuben.
Tomatoes are brilliant with almost everything, particularly when made into a simple salad. As long as they are very ripe and sliced thinly and dressed with olive oil, herbs and mustard dressing or balsamic vinegar, salt and black pepper.
Pickled tomatoes are super good pickled and so easy to make. Not many ingredients are needed for pickling and they can be stored for many months.
Small pickled tomatoes look so pretty they usually are deep red, orangey even green.
Potato Salad
Going with salads potato salad is probably the most popular, gorgeous homemade but acceptable shop bought.
Best made with small salad potatoes and a good mayonnaise is a must together with a choice of chopped scallions, capers, gerkins and pepper.

Coleslaw is excellent with everything, shop bought is ok but worth making and so easy and will keep for a few days in the fridge.
Also you can make loads with just one cabbage. Celery, red cabbage onion etc can be sliced thinly and all mixed together with mayonnaise etc. There’s loads of variations to make everyone happy.
Green Salad
A good green salad sounds a bit dull but made with various salad leaves can bring variety to the dish. There are many to choose from which can be bought either in bags from supermarkets or make a selection of your own choice if you wish.
Flavorsome dressings are a must. Supermarkets and delis are full of excellent dressings or you may experiment to get just what goes well for you.
French Fries & Chips

The whole world loves French fries and they are an excellent side to go with the Rueben sandwich.
In most supermarkets you’ll find an absolutely fabulous choice of fries.
Thin ones, fat ones, curly, straight, crinkle cut and even chips with herbs and spices. All a marvellous with a Rueben sandwich.

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